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Estelle Gitta
Ch. François-Lehmann 2
1218 Grand-Saconnex
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© Editions Eclectica 2006-2010


Revue en latin:
Rumor Varius

Soon available in English

Collection: SAGITTA
Title: Terror and Humiliation
Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine and Bosnia
Authors: : Philippe Cotter, Gilbert Holleufer
Format: 140 x 200 mm (5.5118” x 7.874”)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-09-9

The book
How do we deal with feelings of humiliation when they become overwhelming? How can we prevent humiliated people taking revenge on defenceless victims? Joint authors Gilbert Holleufer and Philippe Cotter provide new insights into these pressing issues, in a world thrown off balance by the demise of the great ideological blocs and by the 9/11 attacks.

In the first part of the book Gilbert Holleufer compares and contrasts the witness accounts of those who experienced the terrible conflicts of the late 20th century (Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine, Bosnia) with the aim of putting forward strategies to tackle collective forms of humiliation. In the second part Philippe Cotter analyses the modern forms of humiliation as well as the ensuing explosions of violence.

More about...

In French
ISBN: 978-2-940371-01-3


BOOKS in English

SAGITTA Collection
was founded with the objective of publishing texts — with no restriction on subject area — that will provide readers with new tools to help them come to grips with a world in constant mutation. Beyond the maelstrom of contradictory information, authors are committed to impart, in layman's terms, the fruit of their research, making it accessible to the general public and leading to a better understanding of humankind in the 21st-century in all its plurality. Thus opening up new horizons for the reader...

Title: Nazism, Terrorism and Serial Killers.
Evil Unmasked.
Author: Philippe Cotter
Translator: Helen Mistry
Pages: 112
Format: 14 X 20 cm
5.5118” x 7.874” (length x height)
RRP: CHF 29.- (20 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-02-0

What are the roots of extreme violence? After several years of research Philippe Cotter, PhD in International Relations, reveals the common threads that bind the many tragic outbreaks of violence in the twentieth century and in the new millennium. [...]

Available in French
ISBN: 978-2-940371-00-6

Prochaine conférence

---- Nazisme, terrorisme et tueurs en série, dédicace Pages: 168
Illustrations: 5
Prix TTC: CHF 29.- (20 €)
Un regard sans complaisance sur ce qui fait notre quotidien: une course effrénée à la réussite, en quête de reconnaissance! -------- mise en réserve de rush ancien...

Lire les présentations (animation flash)
Voir les interviews (vidéo 5 min.)

En dédicace au Salon du livre les 24 et 25 avril, Genève. Consulter le planning...

Titre: Verdict bipolaire.
Une ou deux vies plus tard.
Auteur: (Leila Moon) Monique Trompezinski
Catégorie: récits de vie
Préface: Rosette Poletti
Illustration: Max Jacot, photographe
DVD: Entretien avec Bernard Pichon, émission Tabou, Télévision Suisse Romande, 1995 (25 min.)
Pages: 104
Illustrations couleur: 16
Format: 20 x 20 cm (longueur x hauteur)
Prix TTC: CHF 45.- (32 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-05-1

"La résilience, voilà ce qu'illustre d'une manière magnifique l'ouvrage de Monique Trompezinski! Ce texte devrait être une lecture requise pour tout aspirant médecin ou infirmière désirant travailler en psychiatrie."
Rosette Poletti

Née pendant la guerre à Lyon (France), d'origine polonaise, c'est en Suisse que Monique Trompezinski entame son ascension professionnelle, transformant chaque embûche et revers de fortune en autant d'occasions de rebondir, d'esthéticienne visagiste à courtière en assurances; toujours se relevant pour faire face et avancer.

Thèmes du livre
Succès professionnels, salaire en rapport, tout semblait sourire à Monique Trompezinski jusqu'au verdict sans appel: psychose maniaco-dépressive (troubles bipolaires), à 38 ans, invalide à 100% pour maladie mentale. Un choc effroyable. Plus d'ami(e)s, seule avec un enfant de 2 ans.

Après plus de 15 ans, elle tente de réagir.

“Qui suis-je en dehors de ma maladie?
Qu'est-ce que je fais de ma vie?”

Aujourd'hui elle témoigne:
“J'écris ces pages afin de justifier tant de souffrances et remercier.”(p. 53)

Un long cheminement fait de détresses, mystères et rédemption qui invite à davantage de tolérance pour les autres, mais aussi pour soi-même. Un livre pour susciter plus de respect envers la “différence”. Un livre d'espoir pour s'engager, pour vivre! Aimer la Vie!

DVD inclus!

En 1995 déjà, Monique Trompezinski parlait librement et à visage découvert de son expérience de la maladie, de sa volonté de l'apprivoiser, dans l'émission Tabou de Bernard Pichon diffusée par la TSR et TV5, 25 minutes intégralement reproduites sur le DVD inséré en fin du présent ouvrage.

Le bénéfice de la vente de cet ouvrage contribuera à soutenir la réalisation d'un programme de microcrédit et formation technique à Tam Nong, Viet Nam, par le Vietnamese Heritage Institute (VHI).

Plus d'infos...



Collection: SAGA
Titre: Passer à autre chose
Catégorie: nouvelles
Auteur: Nourredine Ben Bachir
Préface: Pascal Herlem
Illustrations: Oeuvre de
Kate Deleaval, céramiste d'art
Format: 20 x 20 cm (longueur x hauteur)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-10-5

en attente

De Gauche à droite: Estelle Gitta, Gilbert Holleufer, Philippe Cotter, Rosemarie Matzinger

10 octobre 2008: lancement de Marottes de sorcières, Barbara Rytz

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BOOKS in English

SAGITTA Collection
was founded with the objective of publishing texts — with no restriction on subject area — that will provide readers with new tools to help them come to grips with a world in constant mutation. Beyond the maelstrom of contradictory information, authors are committed to impart, in layman's terms, the fruit of their research, making it accessible to the general public and leading to a better understanding of humankind in the 21st-century in all its plurality. Thus opening up new horizons for the reader...

Title: Nazism, Terrorism and Serial Killers.
Evil Unmasked.
Author: Philippe Cotter
Translator: Helen Mistry
Pages: 112
Format: 14 X 20 cm
5.5118” x 7.874” (length x height)
RRP: CHF 29.- (20 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-02-0

What are the roots of extreme violence? After several years of research Philippe Cotter, PhD in International Relations, reveals the common threads that bind the many tragic outbreaks of violence in the twentieth century and in the new millennium. [...]

Available in French
ISBN: 978-2-940371-00-6

Las colecciones

Ampliamente abiertas al mundo de la transmisión oral, la colección SAGA propone narraciones originales de diferentes culturas con vocación didáctica y estética enraizadas en la realidad cotidiana. Historias de vida, testimonios, cuentos y leyendas transcritas en una obra artística, incluso poética, la quintaesencia de miles de años de sabiduría popular.

Título: La Robe de Lumière
Autor: Rosemarie Matzinger-Pasquier
Categoría: novela-testimonio Ilustración: Wojtek Klakla
Páginas: 144
Color placas: 8
Tamaño: 20 X 20 cm
Precio (taxas incuidas): CHF 39.50.- (27 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-03-7

Maestra en Friburgo y activista para el desarrollo cultural, Rosemarie Matzinger-Pasquier ha visto, de repente, su vida cambiar tras la muerte de su marido. En su segundo libro, relata las situaciones que le han conmovido, indignado, exaltado o perturbado ilustrando los puntos débiles y los puntos fuertes de cada uno. Un grito del corazón, donde la sensación de impotencia y la injusticia poco a poco se transforman en una voluntad de sobresalir, de abrirse a la compasión, al amor universal. Una forma de resiliencia para renacer. [...]

Título: Marottes de sorcières
Autor: Barbara Rytz
(texto e ilustración)
Categoría: Cuentos
Páginas: 50
Color placas: 15
Tamaño: 20 X 20 cm
Precio (taxas incuidas): CHF 27.50.- (19 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-04-4

Las brujas obsesionan nuestra imaginación. En una farándula de festivales y celebraciones a través de las estaciones, 10 cuentos responden a las cuestiones fundamentales que uno tiene derecho a preguntarse sobre ellas. El autor, en protagonista, no ha dudado en burlarse de sí mismo, pero con un toque de magia y de habilidad dignos de una bruja de verdad...! [...]

Título: Verdict bipolaire.
Une ou deux vies plus tard.
Autor: (Leila Moon) Monique Trompezinski
Categoría: Historias de vida
Prefacio: Rosette Poletti
Ilustración: Max Jacot
DVD: Entrevista con Bernard Pichon, emisión Tabou, TSR (TV), 1995
(video 25 min.)
Páginas: 104
Color placas: 16
Tamaño: 20 x 20 cm
Precio (taxas incuidas): CHF 45.- (32 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-05-1

De origen polaco, nació durante la guerra en Lyon (Francia) y fue en Suiza que Monique Trompezinski inicia su camino hacia el éxito, convirtiendo cada emboscada y reveses en oportunidades para recuperarse; de esteticista cosmetóloga a agente de seguros siempre se levantó para cumplir y seguir adelante.

Éxitos profesionales y sueldos, todo parecía sonreír a Monique Trompezinski hasta el veredicto sin apelación: psicosis maníaco-depresivo (trastorno bipolar), a 38 años, discapacitada a 100% por enfermedad mental. Un choque terrible. Se quedo sin amigos y sola con un niño de 2 años [...]

Title: Un Eclat de Vie
Author: Rosemarie Matzinger-Pasquier
Preface: Gabrielle Nanchen
Illustration: Philippe Pasquier and
Wojtek Klakla
Pages: 168
Colour illustrations: 10
Supplément photos: 4
Format: 20 X 20 cm
Retail price: CHF 42.50 .- (29 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-06-8

Rosemarie Matzinger-Pasquier's life was turned upside down by the sudden death of her husband. Initially written to help close friends and family remember and come to terms with the loss of a loved one, this book - whose influence is perceptible in her second book La Robe de Lumière - quickly struck a chord with the public. Its reputation as a life catalyst and as an indispensable aid to healing wounds and transcending grief has spread by word of mouth. [...]

Title: Tarentule
Author: Geneviève Biffiger
Illustration: Ambroise Héritier
Pages: 56
Format: 20 X 20 cm
Retail price: CHF 30.- (21 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-07-5

At the end of the War there was a need to rebuild. But a whole generation inherited the traditional values of the past in a world that was waiting to be re-invented by the next generation of as yet unborn young people. It is one of these traditional couples that Geneviève Biffiger has chosen to examine. Delving far beyond the accepted views, she exposes brilliantly the stereotypes and their damaging consequences. Does a man have to be strong? Does a woman have to be tender and loving? [...]

Title: Non, je ne suis pas comme toi, et alors?
Author: Daniel BERNARD
Pages: 80
Format: 20 X 20 cm
Retail price: CHF 32.- (22 €)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-08-2

Having trained as a film director, Daniel BERNARD is now a journalist and teacher with a great number of documentaries and television programmes to his credit. In 2007, at the age of 20, AGIS (Geneva association for social integration) commissioned a new play from him which was first staged at the Salle Pitoeff in Geneva. The cast is made up of professional and different actors. We should stop thinking that differences can simply be eliminated. Yes, things can be improved by changing our everyday environment, making our journeys safer or safeguarding our living spaces, but our neuron paths can no longer be changed. The message of this book is clear: we are every one of us capable of altering our point of view... [...]

Title: Key dates in the history of the Conference of International Catholic Organisations (1927-2008)
Author: Dr François Blin
Category: Documentary reference
Pages: 262
Retail price: CHF 30.- (21 €)
Format: 15,5 x 21 cm (length x height)
ISBN: 978-2-940371-12-9

Contents: Chronology and original documents presented by Dr F. Blin, Conference archivist.

The Conference of International Catholic Organisations, located near the League of Nations in Geneva, was formed in 1927 under the impetus of voluntary groups and dioceses. Its importance increased considerably after the war, with the arrival of the UN and other international organisations, who agreed to grant NGOs the status of advisory body. At the same time, links with the institutions of the Catholic Church were officialised, with the friendly support of Mgr Montini, substitute from 1937 to 1952, pro-secretary of State until 1954, then Sovereign Pontiff from 1963 to 1978. The Conference played an important part during the conciliary period and every time the role of laymen in the Church was being discussed. The need for continuous dialogue with the Vatican, especially with the Secretariat of State, has always been seen as paramount amongst the higher echelons of the International Catholic Organisations in their efforts to better direct and coordinate work with the supranational organisations.